Sarah Benson : My Birth Story

It was dark, and the wave of pain was rolling in and out like the tide on the beach.  Although this was not my first time giving birth I was still on edge fumbling through what steps to take next.  I reached forward from my bed to grab my phone, and dialed the numbers that were now familiar to me.  She answered with a smile, and calmed my anxious heart with the familiar words, “I am on my way.”  As each contraction came and went she was by my side encouraging me, and supporting me.  Her soft but firm voice always reassured me as I would transition to each different phase. 

She would not let me waiver or falter.   The comfort that she would bring made my birth experience a joyful and memorable one. 

The ease of our appointments before delivery was indeed a viable part to make my birth story one filled with those that I loved.  She was no longer my midwife, she was my friend.  Kim Jacob carries the ability to quickly assess the situations around her enabling her to work towards a successful birth with each family member. 

The wave of pressure was at the tipping point, and the crash was overwhelming.  She was born! 

As my husband helped catch our sweet girl, Kim Jacob was proudly looking over with the joy knowing that she had made my wishes of a memorable birth possible! 

She was very comforting and supportive and stayed with me many hours after the baby was born to ensure that I was well taken care of.  .  I am so grateful that she was able to be a part of 3 of my children’s births.  I highly recommend her to EVERYONE that is considering a home birth.  

Jessica Crum